You are here: Contacts > Manage and create prospects > Manage or create a client portal > About Client Portal

About the Client Portal

Enabling the Client Portal allows your clients to view and manage the listings in their Prospect Cart.

When you provide your prospect with a Client Portal, they can view the listings in their Newly Matched, Saved, and Rejected tabs, post comments about listings, manage their cart by saving and rejecting listings themselves, and even create their own customized Searches. All comments and changes they make in their Client Portal are automatically reflected in their Prospect Cart within the MLS for you to see.

Your contact information and picture (from your Agent Profile) are automatically featured at the top of your Client Portal Web pages, and your client can see that this page has been "Prepared Exclusively" for them.

TIP: View the video tutorial entitled "Client Portal" on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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